It is considered the most common elevator hazards, there are many of it,
as it is known that the most people who are exposed to the risks of elevators are construction workers.

Also, the maintenance energy of elevators are the most vulnerable people,
and this risk can lead to deaths in many cases,
so you can avoid many elevator malfunctions through regular maintenance of elevators.

But the topic is not limited to regular maintenance only,
so if you are one of those people who want to know more details,
as well as information about the dangers of elevators, and what are the tips that you should follow to avoid these types of risks, you should follow this article of ours.

The most common elevator hazards

the most common elevator hazards

There are many risk methods that are common in elevators, and they are divided into several sections,
and they are the ones that we will get to know through the following lines:

Improper maintenance

Incorrect maintenance is among the most common elevator risks,
and the reason for this is that elevators require a lot of maintenance, as well as repairs from time to time, but it must be taken into account that the mechanisms that are used in elevators must be maintained.

 And in the event that the owner of the building in which the elevators are located abandons the periodic maintenance of the elevator, this matter may lead to many risks and serious disasters that could lead to the deaths of many residents of the property.

Incorrect alignment of the interior of the elevator

the most common elevator hazards

The incorrect alignment of the internal part of the elevator is the most common elevator hazards,
since this alignment will be incorrect between the internal part and also the external elevator doors.

Because in some cases it can happen that the elevator stops at a height above the normal door rate or a decrease from this, and here the problem is in the operation of the elevator itself, and it can also be a reason for the elevator to fall, and this matter can lead to deaths or injuries to the people who are inside it.


Excessive speed is among the most common dangers of the elevator,
because it is known that elevators are designed to move at relatively balanced speeds,
and the reason for this is to preserve the lives and safety of passengers, because when the elevator movement is fast, it can make the people who are inside the elevator to push against the walls

Or they can fall to the ground, and this can cause a lot of cuts and bruises,
as well as broken bones or severe head injuries.

Elevator suspension

The suspension of the elevator is among the most common elevator dangers, and the reason for this is that when the elevator stops in a way or gets stuck with you during the ascent or descent suddenly, at that time some passengers try to open the door and push it with great force and slide out of it.

And this thing is very dangerous because it is known in some common accidents before that the elevator may start moving suddenly again, and this will cause many injuries to people, as you do not try to make any attempt in this situation, so all you have to do is wait from Persons that fall under the name of professional assistance, and this is also a great danger to maintenance and construction workers.

Falling pillars

Falling columns are among the most common elevator hazards because they are considered one of the most common things that can lead to serious risks through sleep when opening the door, and the stampede to enter. The elevator may not exist so that the individual falls and causes deaths, so you have to take precautionary measures. and safety.

Because elevator shaft accidents are among the most common types of construction accidents that you can prevent, especially in the event that appropriate safety precautions are not present in the first place, and that is noted by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration for safety precautions,
but there are some employers that You completely ignore this disclaimer,
which leads to risks to the safety of people, which puts their lives in danger.

Tips to keep elevators from malfunctions

There are some tips for maintaining elevators, which every individual must follow and adhere to, in order for the person to maintain his safety and the safety of his family members who are with him in the elevator. These tips are to be followed when riding the elevator through the following points:

  • You must work not to load heavy weights inside the elevator,
    so you must adhere to the prescribed load for the elevator
    and work not to exceed it in order to avoid any malfunctions in the elevator, according to its size.
  • In the event of non-compliance and mention of the elevator load,
    this will lead to the fall of the elevator or damage to its ropes.
  • When entering the elevator, the passenger must avoid sticking to the elevator door
    in order to preserve his personal safety.
  • All buttons of the elevator keypad, specifically the stop button, must not be pressed,
    as repeated pressing of it damages the elevator brakes that are responsible for stopping the elevator in turns, which poses a great danger to the lives of individuals.
  • You should not leave the elevator before making sure that it has stopped completely,
    as it is considered one of the most important tips for maintaining elevators in general.
  • When opening the elevator door, you must be careful and move away from the door relatively.

Read more: What is the Importance of Home Elevators in Revaluation of Building?

Standards for maintaining the safety of your child when riding the elevator

the most common elevator hazards

It is known that every mother fears for her children from riding the elevator alone,
and also fears many of the most common elevator dangers. Therefore,
there are several standards that you must know and follow in order to keep your child safe from riding the elevator, and these standards are towards the following points:

  • Every mother should supervise young children, especially those of pre-school age,
    during entry and exit from the elevator.
  • Work on teaching your children that it does not completely go beyond trying to stop the elevator door from closing by using their hands or feet, and this is a common movement among children that can cause multiple risks and serious injuries to them.
  • Children, as well as adults, as well as adolescents, must be taught that it is important that they must remain in the elevator cabin in the event that it is suspended, and be patient
    and wait until assistance and relief come from the technical people of the electric elevators.
  •  In order to give a signal to the property guard or any member of the property,
    you have to press the alarm button, or you can even use the elevator phone,
    and work not to try to get out of it even if the door is open.

At the end of our article, we have learned about the most common elevator hazards dangers
and several tips that must be followed to avoid elevator malfunctions, in addition to learning about safety standards in maintaining the safety of your child and adults, in the event that a malfunction occurs in the elevator while they are inside it, and what are the steps that must be followed in this matter